Nina jugando en la nieve

Hoy hice mi primer muñeco de nieve con la ayuda de mi esposa. Para ser la primera vez, quedó bastante decente.


También estuvimos divirtiéndonos con nuestra chandosa Nina, una perrita horrible y hermosa que adoptamos el año pasado.


A Nina le encanta la nieve, se vuelve loca cada vez que la ve, corre por todas partes y hasta clava en ella como si no le importara el frío.

Nina corriendo en la nieve

Tomar fotos en la nieve no es fácil, el blanco refleja muchísima luz por todas partes y por lo tanto afecta la exposición de la cámara si se usa en modo automático, haciendo que la nieve quede con detalle y todo lo demás oscuro. Continue reading “Nina jugando en la nieve”

Lovely Annabell, looking for a new home

Annabell, a lovely cat looking to be adopted

This is Annabel, a lovely cat my wife and I are fostering since July. She lost her home some months ago and was rescued by HART, she was living in a kennel for several weeks before my wife brought her here.

In the beginning Annabell was really shy, but she was not scared to explore our apartment and actually felt comfortable, even interacting from the distance with Nina.

Annabell, a lovely cat looking to be adopted

I was not used to have cats, and I was expecting they were like dogs, wanting to be picked up or be pet. Cats are independent, and they actually allow you to pet them when they want, not when you want to. Continue reading “Lovely Annabell, looking for a new home”

This is my mutt, Nina

My ugly mutt, Nina

This is my ugly mutt Nina, we adopted her when she was 3 months old, she was supposed to be a German shepherd mix but I think she’s got a little bit of everything.

We started looking for dogs last year, assisting to adoption events organized by Homeward Trails, and meeting some rescue dogs. In the beginning we felt in love with a dachshund mix we met in Herndon but unfortunately our application was rejected because she was already in the process of being adopted. Homeward Trails helped us finding similar dogs, and recommended some events so we could go and meet them. Continue reading “This is my mutt, Nina”